Title Bout Championship Boxing 2013 Now Just $9.99 Until 31st Dec! In celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, we've reduced the price of Title Bout Championship Boxing 2013 to just $9.99, a 50% saving until 31st December 2013. If you own a previous version of the game the previously offered 50% saving still applies, so you'll be able to get it for a mere $4.99.* Download the game today and find out why reviewer Paul Williams wrote "There is no reason for any boxing fan not to pick up Title Bout Championship Boxing" at Makes Words Work. And if you want to see first-hand what TBCB 2013 is capable of, check out the Predictions page on our web site, which features summaries of our entries in the Boxing With Billy C Challenge. We've simmed many recent fights 100 times each and have posted the results on our site. We continue to work on the 1.3 update to the game, as well as the iOS and Android versions of TBCB 2013, so look for news about those releases in the coming weeks. * Simply provide your original order code to get TBCB 2013 for just $4.99. If you don't have your original order code, see eLicense's support site, which allows you to look it up.
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